sonofpipe said:
brarti kalo orang seperti saya,,ga da kelasnya donk pak roby..alias tidak sekolah..hwahaha.. :lol: :lol:
loh kita kan satu kelas pak, angkt 2008. wah sama teman sekelas aja lupa nih
sonofpipe said:
iya,,saya dah sempet nanyain di thrdnya pak lim..tapi ga da yang jawab pertanyaan saya..
mungkin karna ga berbobot kali ya.. :lol:
belum aja pak, lagi sibuk kali. dan sepertinya lagi pada terpesona dengan foto screen terbaru (termasuk saya, habis rapi banget buatnya). ntar pasti ada yang jawab pak. tenang aja
sonofpipe said:
sebenarnya sudah saya isi pak sun..tapi masih LR dan 4 coral aja,,soalnya sisa sebelum saya merombak ulang aquarium kemarin.. masalah ga pak..?ntar kalo dah selesai masa cycle,,5 ikan bisa ga saya isi atau kebanyakan?
kalo udah terlanjur sih ya mau gimana lagi pak, tergantung coralnya aja, kalo dia kuat pasti bertahan kok.kalo ikan sih saya rasa bisa brani masukin 5, tapi usahakan masuknya jangan sekaligus, takutnya terjadi amonia spike. mungkin sekali masuk 1 ato 2 ekor. terus tunggu 1-2 minggu. dan perhatikan juga compabilitasnya, jangan sampe masukin ikan yang ga cocok, ntar malah pada berantem. tabel kompabilitas nya sih saya pernah liat tapi lupa tempat nya di thread mana
untuk coral yang termasuk mudah pemeliharaannya ada tambahan nih pak, saya baru aja baca2 :
1. Closed and Dented Brain (Symphyllia) Corals.
These corals are highly successful in captivity, being very tolerant of different light and current conditions, but prefering bright, indirect light and moderate to low currents. These corals are sensitive to the presence of some soft corals, i.e. Xenia and Litophyton and are very reactive to food (Zooplankton, Phytoplankton and algae) in the water.
Considered an easier coral to keep.
2. Lobed, Flat, and Open Brain (Lobophyllia) Corals
These corals do best with bright direct light and calm currents however if minimally adequate light and water movement is provided, it will grow well in a tank. This coral normally feeds actively at night, however the tentacles occasionally extend during the day and readily take food offerings feeding almost exclusively on zooplankton and bacterioplankton which consists of free-living bacteria, detritus, particulate (POM) and suspended organic matter (SOM). Lobophyllia are not normally aggressive however there have been reports of sweeper tentacles being formed when they come in contact with other corals.
3. Moon, Pineapple, Star (Favia & Favites) Corals.
These corals prefer bright lights, however they will tolerate much lower levels. Preferring a gentle current, some Favites will attach to substrate if not moved for several months. Favites can be fed and seem to appreciate a squirt or two of brine shrimp at night. Care should be taken with placement of these corals as they can send out transparent sweeper tentacles at night. Considered by many to be an easier coral to keep.
Considered an easier coral to keep.