@bro ridwan,
klo yang pink kayaknya lebih mirip yang ini ya?
courtesy of Marc Levenson - http://www.melevsreef.com
komennya Melev seperti ini:
@bro sandy,
turbo snail kayaknya di thread ipan-o-rama dah ada dipost kok. klo gak salah disitu dibilang dia baru beli dari KDC Kartini - Jakarta. ni saya coba tampilin ya (bro ipan, saya pinjam foto turbo snailnya ya).
klo yang pink kayaknya lebih mirip yang ini ya?
courtesy of Marc Levenson - http://www.melevsreef.com
komennya Melev seperti ini:
Melev said:If you see this little guy at the LFS, please don't buy it impulsively. It is commonly known as a Purple Nudibranch, and its only food is a specific type of sponge. Even if you happen to have the right sponge growing in your tank, it won't be enough to keep this beautiful creature alive more than two weeks, at best. This is one creature that should remain in the ocean, and not be imported, distributed, sold or purchased by hobbyists.
@bro sandy,
turbo snail kayaknya di thread ipan-o-rama dah ada dipost kok. klo gak salah disitu dibilang dia baru beli dari KDC Kartini - Jakarta. ni saya coba tampilin ya (bro ipan, saya pinjam foto turbo snailnya ya).