Oke, kawan2. Sebelum LPS dikurangi, saya mau coba saran Chefri utk improve feeding SPS-nya.
Karena bukan orang yang rajin utk kultur plankton, saya tertarik dengan feeding regime-nya Chuck Stottlemire
a "Successful method for maintaining an azooxanthellate reef aquarium", artikel dari RC ini. Alasannya dia memakai komersial Rotifeast botolan (yang sekarang saya udah pakai) dengan algae konsentrat dicampur air 2 gallon dan difeed dengan peristaltik pump utk 12 jam kontinyu. Mohon komentarnya, kira2 ini ide bagus nggak? Ngelihat hasilnya dia utk Dendronephthya dan species azooxanthellate bagus hasilnya.
Maunya sih kalo bisa setup natural food machine di refugium seperti Melly punya. Cuma masih belon tau gimana caranya boost kultur plankton di refugium langsung ya. So here we go (sorry gak terjemah2an), artikel lengkap click aja link di atas... Input PLS, IS THIS GOOD IDEA TO TRY?.......
Chuck Stottlemire's Method
- A 180-gallon aquarium plumbed into a 500-gallon total system allows concentration of food and dilution of metabolites.
- 50ml of mixed algae concentrate and 20 ml of a commercial bottled rotifers product (Reed Mariculture "Shellfish Diet" at 9% dry weight and "RotiFeast") diluted in about two gallons of aquarium water, suspended by aeration without special cooling and administered by peristaltic pump after mixing fresh every 12 hours (100 ml algae concentrate and 40 ml rotifer product total per 24 hours).
(hnugraha note: udah pake Rotifeast sekarang tapi ditetes aja tiap 2 hari)
- Lugol's iodine administered at a rate of 12 drops daily into the sump and monitored by a Salifert Iodine test kit.
(hnugraha note: Iodine juga sudah pake sesuai dosis. Pake dari Zeovit punya)
- High linear flow via Tunze Turbelle Stream propeller pumps placed at one end of the tank, producing alternating laminar flow by the Turbelle controller.
- Temperature maintained at 76°F by a controller.
T5 lighting (two tubes over 180 gallons).
- Additional heavy feeding of fish and other tank inhabitants (four cubes of Mysis daily, pack juice included, occasional pieces of shrimp and other foods for fish).
- pH diurnally steady at 8.34, nitrate 10 PPM and phosphate 0.5 to 1.0 PPM, with no algal growth.
- Vodka administered at 9ml/day: the system employs a large downdraft skimmer but is cleaned only once each week; a rapid turnover of 180 gallons, tank to sump.
(hnugraha note: udah pake tapi 10mL tiap 2 hari. Kalo ngeliat ukuran tank dia sama2 180gallon kayaknya gak usah increase juga dosis tapi mau dikasih tiap hari spt dia punya utk antisipasi spike NO3 dan PO4)
- A Copperband butterfly utilized for Aiptasia control.
- Water changes of 10% each week.