Saya mo tanya nih soal ni keong macan.
Saya udah beli ni keong di Garuda Aquarium di Sumenep (maaf pak reef, saya emang bandel, ga sabaran nambahin biota padahal nitrate masih setinggi langit...he2...
Di aq saya sekarang ada 4 ekor keong ini. Saya tertarik beli ni keong setelah baca thread ini, yang mengatakan klo ni keong bisa bermanfaat untuk (sorry klo saya salah ngerti/salah baca): makanin detritus ato pun makanan sisa yang jatuh ke subtrat (dasar aq).
Tapi setelah saya perhatiin semenjak beli hingga hari ini (saya beli sekitar hari Jumat dan Sabtu yang lalu), sepertinya performa nya untuk menghabiskan detritus ato pun sisa makanan kok tidak terbukti ya?
Makanan yang saya kasih buat ikan adalah udang sayur yang sudah dicincang halus. Klo yang ini, pasti habis diserbu sama ikan2. Klo pun ada yang jatoh ke dasar aq, pasti dikejer juga ma udang pelet (he2...udang makan udang = jeruk minum jeruk).
Alternatif makanan yang saya kasih buat ikan2 adalah tetra bits (itu tu, yg seperti pelet tapi bentuk nya ga bulat utuh, kecil2, merah warnanya). Klo yang ini, kadang sebelum tenggelam ke dasar juga dah disikat abis ma ikan2. Tapi ga jarang juga ampe jatuh ke dasar aq, mpe warnanya luntur juga masih ada aja (kasarannya begitu).
Pertanyaannya (part I):
- apakah si keong ini beneran mau memakan detritus? (cmiiw, apakah detritus = kotoran ikan?)
- apakah si keong macan ini mau makan sisa makanan seperti pelet/tetra bits itu?
- kok si keong macan ini di aq saya ga se-mobile yang diceritakan di thread ini ya? dalam artian si keong kalo dah masuk dalam pasir ya udah, di bakal ngendon disitu aja, tidak aktif bergerak didalam pasir. yg saya perhatiin, di klo mo pindah malah keluar dari pasir, trus baru deh manjat2 kaca, dapet tempat baru, masuk lagi dalam pasir.
- si keong ini klo bekerja malam ato siang?
saya pernah baca di ttg keong macan ini. Ternyata, ada dua spesies yang wujudnya hampir sama, tapi kelakuannya beda. yang satu namanya nasarius vibex, yang satu namanya whelks. apa bedanya? Saya copy paste aja yah apa yg ditulis disitus itu:
Nassarius Vibex snails are vital for DSB tanks, as they consume detritus on the DSB. Excess food, fish excretions, rotting plants are all consumed, within reason. They stir the sand with their large 'foot', and travel very fast when they sense food in the water! I've also observed them on the glass and rockwork as well as in macroalgae stalks, so they pretty much cover your tank well. Excellent part of your clean-up crew." <-- sesuai dengan ciri keong macan yang diceritakan di thread ini
"This is a
Whelk, a snail that consumes dead livestock on the reef. It will also attempt to attack and kill snails. These are carnivores. I had at least six of these in my 55g reef for the past year, and never had a problem. After acclimating a baby Golden Maxima clam, the next day I found all the whelks finishing off my beautiful clam. They definitely attacked it - as clams are part of their diet - I only learned later. (sigh) NOT Reef-safe at all. It looks like a Nassarius snail! <-- learn how to tell the difference."
Perbedaan Nasarius dan Whelks (link:
Whelks get much larger, while Nassarius don't.
If you look at the texture of their snouts,
there is a specific pattern "tatooed" onto the flesh of the Whelk. Also,
the Whelk has a protective shell on its tail that it uses to seal itself in its shell when in danger. This gives it a water tight seal.
don't travel too quickly, in my experience. By comparison, Nassarius glide across the sand exceedingly fast, moving on a large foot that allows them to move forward effortlessly.
Also, the feeler or eye stalks appear to be longer on the Nassarius snails, when you compare them to the Whelk's extended appendages.
Lastly, the shell. Of all the whelks I've caught, every one of them looked like this one, with the darker coloration with whitish patches. In 48 hours, I caught 7l. In the past year, I've caught at least 50 if not more. No special efforts need to be made to bree these, as they seem to do so quite easily on their own. They can be super small (1/8" long) or reasonable large (1" long), depending on age and growth. The ones pictured to the left are very small.
Nassarius snails are excellent for DSB owners, because they submerge themselves and move through the sand keeping it stirred. Occasionally an observant person will see their little snout poking up like a periscope. When food hits the water, they come out of the sand and seek food hungrily. They will climb the glass at times.
Whelks act like snails, and tend to be on the glass or rockwork. They will move across the sand when necessary, but never submerge themselves beneath the surface of the sand. Their main activity can be observed at night by flashlight, as they are nocturnal creatures. They eat clams, so if you have clams you don't want whelks! Even though they were in my tank for over a year, they never bothered a single item and were excellent as part of the clean-up crew. However, one day I added a new clam and overnight they killed and consumed the entire thing in a few hours. I want to keep clams too, so they must go.
Pertanyaan (Part II):
- Kalo saya perhatiin, keong macan yang saya beli di sumenep, sedikit banyak lebih memiliki kemiripan ciri dengan whelks (yang
diunderlined) dibanding dengan nasarius. Apakah karena itu lah, pertanyaan saya di part I menjadi muncul? maksudnya, apakah yang saya beli itu bener2 keong macan yang bermanfaat (nasarius, yang menurut situs ini giat bergerak di dalam pasir) atokah whelks yang justru banyak mudaratnya? Any comment, friends?