"The SunAs the Sun crosses the sky, it may appear to be red, orange, yellow or white depending on its position. The changing color of the sun over the course of the day is mainly a result of scattering of light, and is not due to changes in black-body radiation. The blue color of the sky is caused by Rayleigh scattering of the sunlight from the atmosphere, which tends to scatter blue light more than red light.
Daylight has a spectrum similar to that of a black body with a correlated color temperature of 6,500 K (D65 viewing standard) or 5,500 K (daylight-balanced photographic film standard)."
In saltwater/reef aquaria, color temperatures are an essential part of tank health. Cooler temperatures are seen as getting through the water better, providing essential energy sources to the algae hosted in coral, that sustains it. Because coral receives intense, direct tropical sunlight, the focus was once on simulating this with 6,500 K lights. Higher temperature light sources have become more popular as their success became widely known...first 10,000 K, more recently 16,000 K and 20,000 K. Meanwhile, actinic lighting is used to make the somewhat fluorescent colors of many corals and fish "pop", creating brighter "display" tanks.
sumber wiki
lengkapnya baca ini
mengenai merubah color temp pake filter warna itu bisa tapi ngk 100% tapi ngk bisa match fix ke nilai tertentu..karena kita ngk punya alat nya..tapi kita bisa cocokin ama tabel warna yg ada.. dan ngebubah temp warna dengan cara ini emang bisa mirip tapi power cahaya mengecil .
ato bisa aja mengabungin bbrp sumber cahaya sekaligus . itu juga bisa tapi ngk bakal bisa match ke nilai tertentu . power cahaya lebih kuat.
sample :
silahkan gabungin cahaya merah biru hijau hasil nya = putih , merah,, biru hijau punya color temperatur beda beda kalo di gabung hasil akhir color temperatur nya juga beda
so kesimpulannya
"jadi cahaya bisa di gabung gabung buat hasil warna tertentu"
silahkan baca sejarah led
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silahkan liat titik lampu MH pas nyala.. coba aja cek warna lampu mulai dari burn in sampe nyala full
apa dia langsung ke warna yg di tulis ?
jawab nya ya kaga.. dia pindah2 warna dulu
contoh lampu MH phoenix dia nyala kemerahan dulu - terus kekuningan , lama2 jadi putih kebiruan . itu karena ....
silahkan cari di wiki sendiri jawab nya
gw dah jelasin di atas
mau percaya ato ngak itu terserah ya