DIY Kayu Asep (buat skimmer Air Driven)



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mas,klo buat d apply dengan kapasitas aer 200literan , efektif gak yah??
pengen pasang skimmer, tp takut malah jadi ngacoin sistem yg udah berjalan,soalnya udh 1 tahun lewat,cuma ngandelin ats+refug+LR+mangrove ( baru 2 bulanan jalan mangrovenya )..
ada masukkan ??
bisa kok pak..


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justru lebih bagus pasang skimmer . selain nambah kadar oksigen juga bantu2 filtrasi .
kalo skimmer kayu asep itu sebetul nya bisa di bilang sangat bagus karena ngk panas. juga power listrik nya hemat. aerator gitu yg 2 chanel kalo ngk salah makan setrum cuman 3 watt.

hanya jelek nya hi maintenance di alat .kayu asep nya kudu di buang karena lama2 makin mampet ( 2-3 minggu wajib ganti ) . dan kalo ngitungin pake nya kayu sanders ya jadi nya mayan .
tapi kalo diy sendiri . anggap aja pake albasia work . itu solusi sangat2 murah .


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kalo mau buat skimmer kayu asep n kayu asepnya buat sendiri,dipilih yg kayunya kira2 seratnya kecil2,soalnya diy yg pertama ini ternyata gagal,bisa kluar busa,tapi gelembungnya masih gede2,kalo diliat sih,serat kayunya gede2,kalo yg sanders itu saya liat di inet dia pake kayu limewood atau basswood,tapi gatau nama indonesianya apa,ada yg tau???


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"Tilia is a genus of about 30 species of trees native throughout most of the temperate Northern Hemisphere. They are generally called lime in Britain and linden or basswood in North America. The greatest species diversity is found in Asia, and the genus also occurs in Europe and eastern North America, but not western North America. Under the Cronquist classification system, this genus was placed in the family Tiliaceae, but genetic research by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) has resulted in the incorporation of this family into the Malvaceae.

The timber of linden trees is soft and easily worked; it has very little grain and a density of 560 kg per cubic metre.[5] During the Viking Era, it was often used for constructing shields. It is a popular wood for model building and intricate carving. Especially in Germany, it was the classic wood for sculpture from the Middle Ages onwards and is the material for the elaborate altarpieces of Veit Stoss, Tilman Riemenschneider, and many others. Ease of working and good acoustic properties also make it popular for electric guitar and bass bodies and wind instruments such as recorders. In the past, it was typically used (along with Agathis) for less-expensive models. However, due to its better resonance at mid and high frequency, and better sustain than alder, it is now more commonly in use with the "superstrat" type of guitar. It can also be used for the neck because of its excellent material integrity when bent and ability to produce consistent tone without any dead spots, according to Parker Guitars. In the percussion industry, Tilia is sometimes used as a material for drum shells, both to enhance their sound and their aesthetics.

Lime wood is known in the aquarium industry for its use as an air diffuser inside of protein skimmers. Air pumped through the grain of the wood turns into consistently very fine bubbles (0.5-1.0mm) difficult to achieve with any other natural or man-made medium. However, the wood decomposes underwater much faster than ceramic air stones and must be replaced more frequently for maximum efficiency.
It is also the wood of choice for the window-blinds and shutters industries. Real wood blinds are often made from this lightweight but strong and stable wood, which is well suited to natural and stained finishes

" sumber

terjemahin aj. tapi kira2 itu kayu ngk bisa dapet di indo .
kalo mo cari alternatif mungkin yg rada mirip density itu kayu pinus sekitar 480 - 520 kg/m3,
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iya,kayu ini di indo gak ada,tapi kalo liat basswood biasa buat bikin gitar di amerika sana,apa bisa ya kalo pake kayu2 yg biasa buat bikin gitar,kayak mahoni,maple,ashwood,atau yg laen??
kebetulan deket kos ada tempat luthier??


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kayaknya kayu mahoni paling mendekati kayu limewood,kalo liat di tabel ini..


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Akhirnya ada waktu ngelanjutin research ini,setelah coba2 bermacam - macam kayu,dari mulai sengon,mahoni,ash,alder (hampir smuanya kayu yg biasa buat bikin gitar,kecuali sengon),smuanya gagal,kemaren iseng maen2 ke tempat luthier (tempat orang buat gitar custom),trus tanya2 soal kayu,kasih contoh kayu asep sand*rs,kata luthiernya,"ini kayu maple mas,saya ada sisa2,kalo mau dibawa aja" (kira2 seperti itu),akhirnya saya iya in aja,bawa beberapa potong kayu maple,besoknya (atau tadi pagi) iseng motong2 kayu maple,lubangin secukupnya,pasang tempat selang,dan pasang ke aerator lalu cemplungin ke tank,alhasil,gelembungnya sangat kecil,dalam hati berpikir,wah bisa ini kayu maple,rencana besok mau ke lab kampus,buat ngerapiin diy yg pertama,karena tadi potongannya masih asal2an dan terlalu tebal,jadi gelembungnya gk begitu banyak yg keluar (kayu maple sangat keras dan padet),..

kayu yg saya belom sempet ngetes adalah basswood (biasa buat bikin gitar juga),kemaren pas gk ada barangnya di tempat luthiernya,jadi belom bisa nyoba,coba pake maple dulu deh,..


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tadi udah ke bengkel lab,udah jadi 2 diy kayu asep dengan kayu maple,sampe kos langsung coba,dan hasilnya:
#kayu asep 1
bagian lubang dengan tepian potongan kayu sangat dekat,alhasil,busa keluar,seperti busanya sand*rs,cuma agak kurang padat,..
#kayu asep 2
bagian lubang dengan tepian potongan kayu agak jauh,alhasil,busa keluar,sangat sedikit,cuma dibagian tertentu,..

kayu maple pori2nya sangat kecil,tapi densitasnya terlalu tinggi alias terlalu padet,saking padetnya kayu jadi keras,dan udara yg keluar sangat sedikit,..
mungkin untuk mengakalinya,ya kayak kayu asep 1,potongan dengan lubangnya harus deket,...
bambar nyusul yah,kalo dah berhasil aja,hehehe,..

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