uncle said:
Bolak balik baca.... aku tambah mumet.... :shock:
bagus yg mana neh..... Ca Cl, Ca OH2, CA OH3.
aku sdh persiapkan tiga2nya, lebih baik nanya khan... drpd expriement mulu
Utk mas Nano, bgmn cara pengunaan ca cl secara bijak, detailnya dunk... pleassseeeee.... :mrgreen:
om klo CaCl2 (kalsium klorida), Ca(OH)2 (kalsium hidroksida) and CaCO3 (kalsium karbonat)
untuk pemakaian CaCl2 sebaiknya dibikin larutan dulu jangan asal ditambah ato dimasukkan k sump. akan lebih cepet bercampur jika di larutkan terlebih dulu. jika om beli di bratachem biasanya bukan yang PA (pro Analisis) seperti yang bung chipaco bilang. klo yang p.a. hargane muahal buangeeeeeeeeeedddddd. biasane rumus senyawanya (CaCl2.6H2O atau calsium chlorida hexahydrate ada juga CaCl2.2H2O atao Calsium chlorida di hyrdrate dan CaCl2 ato calsium chlorida anhydrate) rumus yang ke tiga CaCl2 biasane berlabel p.a ato pro analisis dengan harga yang maknyuuuuuuuuss pokoke. klo yang saya rekomendasikan untuk amannya pake rumus pertama yang mengandung 6 H2O. untuk pelarutannya seperti dibawah ini; ini disebut juga BALLING METHODS:
If calcium chloride, CaCl2, is used as the source of calcium to a reef aquarium then the following can be used to make a DIY stock solution. It can also be added as a dry solid, but it has to be pre-mixed before addition to the aquarium and can be harder to measure out. The use of a stock solution gets around both of these problems.
The variables used to make the calculations are as follows:
M0 = Mass of calcium chloride required to make the stock solution (grams)
V0 = Volume of stock solution (litre)
C0 = Calcium concentration of the stock solution (ppm)
V1 = Volume of stock solution dose to give calcium concentration rise of C2 (cm3)
V2 = System volume (litre)
C2 = Calcium concentration rise required in the system (ppm)
Ca = Fraction of the type of calcium chloride that is calcium by weight: 0.3611(CaCl2), 0.3107(CaCl2.H2O), 0.1829(CaCl2.6H2O)
The value of Ca depends on the type of calcium chloride that is used to make up the stock solution. In most cases this will be CaCl2, the dehydrated form, so the valve for Ca in this case is 0.3611.
The concentration of the stock solution, C0, is really arbritary, but the higher the concentration the less of the stock solution has to be added to give a certain system concentration increase. Although the higher the concentration the easier it would be to overdose and cause problems. A good number to start with is around C0 = 50,000ppm, which is the concentration of some commercially available calcium chloride additives. The mass (M0) of calcium chloride required to add to the stock solution of volume V0, to give concentration C0 is given by:
M0 = ( C0 * V0 ) / ( Ca * 1000 )
Therefore to get C0 = 50,000ppm stock solution, using CaCl2, M0 = 138 grams is required to be added to V0 = 1 litre.
The equation to determine the volume (V1, cm3) of the stock solution (concentration C0 ppm) required to increase the system (volume V2, litre) calcium concentration by C2 ppm is as follows:
V1 = ( C2 * V2 * 1,000 ) / C0
Therefore to increase the system of V2 = 100 litre calcium concentration by C2 = 100ppm, using a stock solution of concentration C0 = 50,000ppm need to added V1 = 200 cm3.
As another calculation example, so that it is easy to see how it works, lets say that a 5 litre dosing solution is to be made up with a concentration of 60,000ppm. That would require 966 grams of CaCl2.H2O. Then to add this to a 150 litre system to increase the calcium concentration by 50ppm, 125 cm3 of the stock solution is required.
Calcium chloride has a very high solubility, with it being possible to pack up to over 1,000,000ppm into water, which is a highly potent solution. Take great care when making up these solutions and adding it to a reef aquarium. It would be very easy to over dose if great care is not taken. Always err on the side of caution, all that will have to be done is to add a little bit more at a later time. This is much better than putting in too much, it cannot be taken out again without having to do a major water change and sustaining some damage to the inhabitants.
itu manualnya om untuk mbikin larutan stok Calsium dari garam CaCl2. Sedangkan untuk pemakaian Ca(OH)2 saya biasanya dilarutkan dl kdlm 1.5 liter air tawar didiemkan br dituang. Untuk CaCO3 ato kalsium karbonat saya jarang mencoba.
sunr1s3 said:
Saya si pernah baca kalo cacl krg bgs jg krn bakal ada penumpukan cl di aq kita.bnr ga si?
Pilihan tgl caoh dan caco3.kalo diliat fungsi si mending caoh.
additive seperti keluaran Kent, trus Adent dll menggunakan CaCl2 mas... karena garam ini sangat mudah alrut jika dibandingkan Ca(OH)2 dan CaCO3. cuman masing2 brand memiliki konsentrasi yang HANYA produsennya aja yang tahu berapa kadar dari produknya. Klo kita pengen mengetahui brp sebenarnya konsentrasi Ca ato Mg yang ada di produk tersebut kita bisa menganalisanya menggunakan Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometer (AAS). Kita tinggal bilang tolong dicek kadar ion Ca, Mg yang ada di produk ini. Analisa bisa bawa k lab2 yang menerima jasa analisa lingkungan. Di jakrta banyak...(di UI lab kimia, balai lingkungan dll) di bogor ada di AKA bogor, di jogja bisa di UGM FMIPA Kimia trus di balai lingkungan yang disamping pasar ngasem itu.
chipacofish said:
Sekedar info buat rekan2. Sebaiknya pake CaOH (calcium Hidroxide) bisa dibeli di toko2 kimia. Cari yang PA = Pro Analis. Untuk CaCO3 saya jg punya cuma untuk mendapatkan Calciumnya perlu pemanasan untuk melepaskan CO3 nya sementara untuk CaOH lebih bersifat basa.
pemakaina Ca(OH)2 yang kurang bijaksana akan mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan pH yang sangat besar. karena ph larutan Ca(OH)2 berada dikisaran 12 - 12.5 sedangkan sea water berada dikisaran pH 8.0-8.4 (spesifik k reef tank) seperti dijelaskan diatas... penambahan CaCl2 tidak akan mempengaruhi alkalinitas dan pH. tidak seperti Ca(OH)2 dan CaCO3 yang mempengaruhi pH dan alkalinitas.