

Dari awal gue cari petunjuk untuk rockscaping, tapi belum nemuin. Ini gue kutip dari ebook The New Marine Aquarium hal. 68-69

Either during the curing process or right after, live rock sould be placed close to its final position in the tank. The positioning of the rock is crucial for several reasons. The animals present on the rock should be placed in a position close to the way they were situated in the wild. That is, if corals and other invertebrates as well as coralline algae were facing upward or sideways to capture strong light or strong water mobement, that is how they should be oriented when placed in the tank. It does not make sense to position light-loving organisms upside down---this will only result in further die-offs.

The live rock structure must be stable so that there is no danger it will ever topple over and crack the tank or injure any inhabitants. (Eels are sometimes victims of live rock slides.) The structure also needs to be as open as possible to provide hiding places for the tank;s residents. More importantly, however, this open structure must allow water to move readily around and thriugh it so that detritus does not tend to settle in any one spot. Resist any tendency you may have to fit the pieces of rock tightly together as if you were trying to build a brick or stone wall.

The final consideration should be to arrange the live rock so that it is aesthetically pleasing and mimics, at least in part, the look of an actial reef. Rather than building a uniform wall or pile, construct one or more peaks and various grooves channels or islands (see diagrams below).

It is not necessary to pile the rock all the way to the surface. The usual rule of thumb recommends 2 punds of dense (Atlantic-type) rock per gallon or 1 pound of lighter (Pacific-type) rock per gallon. Given the greater variability of live rock available today, these guidelines simply don't work in all cases. Rahter than choosing a set number of pounds per gallon, it is much more practical to add rock untill roughly one-third to one-half of the tank volume is loosely occupied. This quantity of rock will be more than adequate as a biological filter.

If you like massive rockwork displays more can be addedm but not so much that active fishes are left without enuogh swimming space. (Many conventional reef tanks have up to two-thirds of their volumr stacked with live rock, more to serve as perches for colonies of coral than out of biological necessity.)

Ideally you may be able to hand-pick cured live rock from your dealers's tanks and thereby take just enough to fill the space you desire. When buying from local stock, you can easily return to buy additional pieces, if needed. Ordering uncured live rock presents more of a challenge in determining correct quantities; a dealer or seasoned aquarist can often supply needed advice.



semoga membantu :D


Tambahan lagi masih dari ebook yang sama hal. 69-70:
Hidden Frame Method
One way to reduce the amount of live rock needed is to place it on top of a framework. This framework can be built out of 1/2 inch PVC pipe and elbow fittings easily found in a hardware store or plumbing-supply center. The pipe is thenfashioned into littl cubes and the lve rock placed upon these cubes (see illustration). Tis method not only saves money by allowing for the use of fewer pieces of live rock, but it also produces a structure that is very open. In addition, with a little imagination, authentic-looking caves and overhangs can be constructed that add to the natural look of the tank. With reasonable care in rock placement the PCV frame can be completely obscured from view.

To make caves and overhangs several techniques may be used. Live rock can be drilled readily so one method is to bore holes and place solid PVC rods in the rock to hold it in place. In this way, several small pieces of rock can be joined together to form an arch or an overhang. Using a variation on this technique, a hole large enough to fit a piece of PCV pipe is drilled through the rock and this pipe runs through the entire structure to stabilize an overhang or a cave. Holes should be drilled through the PCV pipe to prevent stagnant areas from developing in the pipe. Similar stability can also be obtained by using black plastic cable ties to anchor pieces of rock to each other. All of these methods may seem rather permanent. The are, for good reason. The more stable the live rock structure, the more likely it is to resist falling over or becoming rearranged. This results in a stable invironment, which is more conducive to the inhabitant's long-term well-being.


Forget trying to emulate an entire reef; no matter how big the tank, it is not likely to come close to the size of even a small reef, using only live rock, sand, and some imagination. Unlike bleached corals or artificial decorations, live rock is the most realistic aquascaping material you can buy. The initial expense is repaid in several was: the rock provides a realistic setting, a living biological filter, and an ongoing source of food and shelter for the tank's inhabitants.


NOte: itu semua cuma teori dasar, buat pembuka mata aja (saya ngerasain pas masih buta banget, bingung sendiri). Pengembangannya sesuai kreativitas masing2 :smt003 Diharap para reefer lama mau membagi kiat-kiat nya tentang rock scaping ini :smt006


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Ah Author by Mike S Paletta, a good friend of J.Sprung. Itu buku emang bagus punya tuh, saya create rock scaping saya base on that book. Pake PVC dan LR dulu baru substrate/pasir. Coba kalo yg versi The Ultimate Marine Aquariums dari M. Paletta juga ada di rapid, pasti lbh kumplit informasinya.


New Member
Asfur said:
Coba kalo yg versi The Ultimate Marine Aquariums dari M. Paletta juga ada di rapid, pasti lbh kumplit informasinya.
cariin dong boss, trus share link-nya disini. jadi pengen setup akuarium lagi nih. he3... :lol: :lol:
dulu saya langsung isi pasir dan kasih LR di atasnya, gak seperti cara M. Paletta, cycling dengan barebottom, setelah selesai cycling baru masuk pasir. apa karena itu sekarang jadi masalah ama phospat ya?

ricky jokaw

New Member
wew.. keren!!
ayo ayo yg baru mau setup...liat sini dolo...hahahah... biar jadinya yahud...
yg baru setup masi bs dibongkar...ayo ayo.... :lol:
and yg dah lama setup... boleh mulai tentuin waktu kapan mau di rescape.....hahahahha :evil:


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Udeh nyari2 boss,ngk ketemu. Bahkan sampe beli account rapid tapi ternyata tetep ngk ketemu juga.


Active Member
Jd pengen re-scape ulang neh... Pengen yg 2 gundukan rock itu loh. Keren keliatannya...
Bro asfur, dah cb cari di 4shared?


Iya, gue juga jadi pengen rescaping ulang lagi. Terutama teknik pake kerangka pVC nya itu. kalo dipikir2, bikin kerangka dari pvc, semua ujungnya ditutup dop, tapi bagian badan pipa di bolong2in, lumayan jadi tambahan sarang buat mahluk2 kecil, biar kembang biak dengan tenang dan populasinya terjaga karena jauh dari predator, buat yang gak bisa ngadain refugium kan ngebantu juga tuh ya.


btw, ngeliat foto ini, jadi dapet ide buat cari ide reefscaping.


Jadi kita bisa capture gambar reef dari film atau foto hasil search di internet, terus kita highlight bagian yang mau ditiru. Ya walaupun seperti kata Paleta di buku nya bahwa gak mungkin kita bisa bikin miniatur reef bahkan yang terkecil sekalipun, sepertinya ini bisa dijadiin buat ide dasar. Kalo gak salah, pelukis atau fotografer juga gitu deh (yang suka ngeker2 pake tangan gitu tuh). CMIIW


Active Member
buku ultimate marine aquarium by palleta, sy punya,tp tdk membahas rockscaping,contentnya dsgn2 aquarium aja.


New Member
Salut sm bung toba .... setiap hari ada aja pengembangan idenya,
bagi2 ilmu tiap hari, mantaaaap & thanks beratz ....


Active Member
ok2,nanti sy coba share,tp sy gak punya scaner,di foto jg font nya kecil2 .he.he. Bila sy ke tempat adik nanti disempatkan buat upload.soalnya selama ini hanya online via hp doang.he.he.


hehehehehe pantes aja gak di share, la wong bukunya buku beneran, bukan e-book (saya bersedia deh jadiin ebook :lol: ).

thanks bung Beech tapi itu semua blum seberapa dibanding yang udah kontribusi lebih baik dan lebih cerdas lagi :oops: :oops: :smt001


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wadoooh buku ultimate aquariumnya gak bisa di scan, kertasnya lebih lebar dari permukaan scannernya :roll: :roll: ...tapi itu buku isinya persis TOTM di reefcentral,(klo ngikutin :smt007 ) jadi profile aqua dan specnya aja...
maap udah keluar dr topic thread ini..kita sambung lagi di thread lainnya...

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