
[Trivia] Kiat-kiat aman merawat akuarium laut


Setelah mendapatkan cedera serius dari nglakoni hoby ini, saya jadi kepikiran, pasti bukan saya aja yang pernah ngalamin celaka ketika 'bermain' dengan akuariumnya. Yang paling umum saja misalkan, tangan masih basah sudah colok cabut listrik, naek-naek ke kursi bersihin lumut sampe gak sadar posisi badan udah miring banget dan lain sebagainya.

Posting saya ini cuma sebagai pembuka, diharapkan temen-temen sekalian bantu melengkapi.


Active Member
wah2 apa sudah sembuh, bro toba??
saya sekarang setiap saat masukkin test pen ke aquarium, karena kadang air dalam tank nya bisa nyetrum , gak jelas dari mana datangnya.. (maklum tdk pakai grounding)


Active Member
gimana yaah nyebutnya,krn sy jg gak ahli per listrik an, kira2 ground adlh sarana(bisa kawat) mengalirkan daya yg lepas ke tanah, daya bocor bisa dr pump,lamp,dll. Klo salah tolong dikoreksi lg. (yg bagus dr titanium)


Soal grounding, ini gue kutip dari buku The New Marine Aquarium:


Power Strip & GFI
Three other pieces of equipment, all from the hardware or electrical supply store, should also be considered at this time: an electrical multi-outlet power strip, a ground-fault interrupter (DFI), and a timer.
The electrical strip will provide and adequate number of outlets necessary to setup just about any size tank. Of the types available, the most useful contain some outlets that are continuous flow and some that have on/off switches. This setup allows certain equipment, such as filters and powerheads, to be shut off during feeding or cleaning while the lights and protein skimmer can remain on. In addition, surge protection should be included to keep the equipment from being damaged should any elecrical spikes occur. Avoid the metal-encased strips in favor of noncorroding, nonconducting plastic units.
A ground-fault interrupter (GFI) is a highgly desirable safety device that can detect "shorts" or ground faults and almost instantly cut the power to prevent serious shocks. And electician or anyone handy with basic eletrical wiring jobs can easily replace a standard, grounded receptacle with a ground-fault interrupter receptacle. Off-the-shelf GFI extension cords can provide the same protection without any need to rewire. There are not in-expensive, but they can prevent electrocution and are well worth the cost. Water and electricity can be a deadly combination, and having all your electrical devices fed thriugh GFI-protected plugs is a precaution all informed aquarists uoght to take.

sebetulnya sekalian nanya, kalo GFI itu di indonesiakan namanya/sebutannya apa ya?


New Member
Klo gak salah, ELCB = Electric Leakage Circuit Breaker.
Pak BL dah pake tuh untuk akuariumnya. Klo gak salah bro wahyu_pb juga udah pake.


kiev said:
Klo gak salah, ELCB = Electric Leakage Circuit Breaker.
Pak BL dah pake tuh untuk akuariumnya. Klo gak salah bro wahyu_pb juga udah pake.

sama gak kayak sekering listrik rumah?


Active Member
wah, iya nihh, saya buta bgt soal kelistrikan, sekarang lg bingung karna kasang air aqua nyetrum, kadang juga nggak... mau pasang kawat yang menyentuh air aqua dan bumi, kata orang elektrik malah buat breakernya tripp. jd tambah binggung...
mohon pencerahan semuanya...intinya bila ada daya leakage tp gak nyetrum lagi..dan aman tdk konslet :evil: .
lalu alat apa yg harus ditambah misal GFI itu? belinya dimana :idea: :idea: ?


:( sama ni lagi nyari2 info

katanya di tukang sepeda ya, unutk cari titanium, ktanya juga bisa mata bor?

ni udah bhs inggris kurang terus ga ngerti listrik lagi
gw ambil dari-->

How do you ground your Aquarium?
You will need two pieces of metal wire. One can be just regular metal, any metal for that matter, as that piece will not be submersed. The piece that is submersed definitely needs to be salt water resistant. This sort of metal "may" seem hard to obtain and may appear to be expensive.

It is not expensive at all. It is extremely simple to get too. Go to any bicycle shop and buy a "titanium wheel spoke". This cost you around 2 or 3 dollars a piece. Nothing really expensive! With one aquarium you obviously only need one such piece.

The Titanium spoke is the "only" part that is immersed in the water. To the end of the Titanium spoke you simply attach a length of regular metal wire, e.g. stainless steel or any kind of metal for that matter. You can even use copper, as long as you can make sure that it will never get into the salt water. That is the reason I prefer to use stainless steel. Better safe than sorrow. Make sure that the contact between the two wires is real tight. Twist them together with a wrench to get such a tight fit.

The titanium end goes into the tank or into the sump. Run the other end to a good grounding element. This is perhaps the only difficult part of the whole process. You must find a real good ground.

A good ground that is usually easy to find is the screw in the middle of a grounded electrical outlet. Make sure, though, that if you use this method that you remove the paint from the screw, or you will not have a good ground. Make sure too that the outlet is indeed "grounded".

In modern houses they would tend to be, but in older ones you may need to test them. Hardware stores sell an inexpensive tester that allows you to do so. The last time I got one I paid around $ 5.00 for it, again at Radio Shack. These devices even tell you whether the line and third wire are hooked up correctly by the little lights that come on.

Any water line, usually copper pipe, is a good ground too. Clean the portion to which you are going to attach the wire real well, so all the oxidation on the copper pipe is gone. Rub the pipe with sandpaper or a metal brush until it is shiny again and you do not see nay sign of corrosion or oxidation, and then wrap your wire around it very tightly so a real good contact between the two exists.

To have a real good ground you need a tight fit between your grounding wire and the pipe itself, or whatever else you hook the ground up to. That is why when you use an outlet you must make sure that the paint is totally off the screw to which you attach the grounding wire.

Other good grounds can be found in any house or apartment. Look around at what is close to the aquarium and determine whether or not it will give a good ground or not. My personal experience is that grounded electrical outlets are usually the easiest to wire into, and are always nearby enough the aquarium to be able to be used.

Check from time to time make sure that the connections you made are still tight and that no corrosion exists on the portion that is immersed in the water. If you used copper pipe as the grounding element you will need to clean the area where the wire is wound around the pipe with sandpaper from time to time. Indeed, corrosion of the copper pipe, due to humidity in the air, will prevent good contact which leads to a bad grounding effect.


New Member
Ground Probe.
Sedikit menambahkan saja, dibawah ini ada contoh Ground Probe untuk akuarium. Ujung kabel dari groun probe harus disambung ke Arde/pembumian listrik yang masuk kedalam tanah. Kedalaman Arde minimal harus bisa mencapai lapisan tanah yang sudah mengandung air.
Secara sederhana tujuan adanya ground probe dalam air akuarium adalah membuang listrik yang ada dalam akuarium sehingga kalau tanpa sengaja tangan kita masuk kedalam air yg bermuatan listrik maka kita tidak tersengat listrik secara fatal, karena arus listrik yang besar (arus listrik dinyatakan dalam satuan Ampere) telah terbuang ke Arde. Hal ini disebabkan nilai resistensi tubuh kita kelantai jauh lebih besar dibandingkan Ground Probe ketanah. Ground Probe ke Arde harus tersambung dengan baik sehingga mempunyai Resistensi 0 Ohm.


GFCI = Ground Fault Circuit Interruptor.
Bekerja pada arus bocor didalam air akuarium atau alat lainnya sebesar 15 mA. Jadi kalau ada arus listrik yang bocor diatas 15 mA maka alat ini akan bekerja memutuskan aliran listrik. Wujudnya ada yang berbentuk stopkontak atau mirip MCB. Pada umumnya tersedia untuk tegangan listrik 110 Volt AC.

ELCB = Electric Leakage Circuit Breaker.
Bekerja pada arus bocor didalam air akuarium atau alat lainnya sebesar 40 mA. Jadi kalau ada arus listrik yang bocor diatas 40 mA maka alat ini akan bekerja memutuskan aliran listrik. Wujudnya berbentuk mirip MCB. Pada umumnya tersedia untuk tegangan listrik 220 Volt AC.



Terimakasih banyak Pak BL. sangat informatif pak.

Untuk ground probe, bisa diinfokan pak, belinya dimana? ini yang kepalanya titanium kan pak bl?

Untuk ELCB dan GFCI apakah bisa diartikan ELCB hanya bekerja pada 2200 volt dan GFCI pada 110 volt, yang artinya yang harus saya cari ditoko listrik nanti ialah ELCB? listrik rumah adalah 220 volt. Atau bagaimana ya?



New Member
agam909 said:
Terimakasih banyak Pak BL. sangat informatif pak.

Untuk ground probe, bisa diinfokan pak, belinya dimana? ini yang kepalanya titanium kan pak bl?

Untuk ELCB dan GFCI apakah bisa diartikan ELCB hanya bekerja pada 2200 volt dan GFCI pada 110 volt, yang artinya yang harus saya cari ditoko listrik nanti ialah ELCB? listrik rumah adalah 220 volt. Atau bagaimana ya?

Titanium Ground Probe sepertinya tidak ada yang jual di Indonesia. Bisa mail order dari luar.
Betul untuk di Indonesia kita harus cari ELCB yang yang bekerja untuk tegangan listrik 220 VAC bukan 2200 Volt :smt003 . Banyak yang jual di Kenari atau Glodok Harco Jakarta.
ELCB sebaiknya dipasang dalam box main panel instalasi listrik rumah agar seluruh instalasi rumah terlindungi alat ini.


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