Red Tip Tree Coral -ungu-fotosintesis


Red Tip Tree Coral
(Stereonephthya sp.)

halo halo :D

ada yang pernah lihat ini, miara, atau tau jual dimana, menarik sekali warnanya ungu tetapi fotosintisi..
katanya asalnya dari Indonesia.

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ini saya ambil dari
"The Red Tip Tree Coral or Stereonepthya Carnation is one of the most beautiful and peaceful corals, and is also known as the Cauliflower Tree Coral, or Strawberry Tree Coral. There are over 250 different identified Stereonepthya species. It is found in a variety of flamboyant colors with red, purple or orange being the most common. It is normally shipped while attached to a small piece of live rock or coral rubble.
It is not too challenging to maintain in the reef aquarium, but should be housed in an established reef aquarium. It requires moderate lighting combined with medium to strong water movement. It is necessary to have a constant or alternating current, and for continued good health, it will also require the addition of strontium, iodine, and other trace elements to the water.

It does contain the symbiotic algae zooxanthellae, and benefits from the lighting on most modern reef aquariums. Additional feedings of live, baby brine shrimp, micro-plankton, and other small foods designed for filter feeding invertebrates a few times per week, will help to supplement the diet.

It is normally shipped while attached to a small piece of live rock or coral rubble"


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