Active Member
teman2 saya mau tanya, apakah kita dapat mengaplikasi gounding yang spt dijual dipasaran (reefdepot) ...kira2 begini cuplikan prosedurnya(maap tdk saya cantumkan gbrnya):
Installation of RID-VOLT can be done by directions given below:
1. Attach probe to the inside back of the aquarium or sump using suction cup provided and allow the titanium part of probe to be submerged.
2. Receptacle must have a three pin plug for proper use of RID-VOLT. Simply plug in ground pin into wall receptacle.
Note: The three pin plug provided by RID-VOLT is of US type. Depending on the country of use, users may have to use a plug converter.
3. If ground pin is unavailable, attach “eye” (which comes with RID-VOLT) under the plate retainer screw on a two pin wall outlet receptacle.
kalo dilihat dr instruksinya cukup simple, satu bagian masuk air, bagian lainnya tempel tembok,pertanyaannya adalah bukannya itu malah bikin trip/konslet dan breaker di rumah kita lgsg off bila memang ada kebocoran daya?
mohon pencerahannya? soalnya mumpung ada bung Muleh yg mau ke Singpr, jd bila alat ini berguna (ekonomis lagi)saya mau titip beliau, trims, mohon responnya...
Installation of RID-VOLT can be done by directions given below:
1. Attach probe to the inside back of the aquarium or sump using suction cup provided and allow the titanium part of probe to be submerged.
2. Receptacle must have a three pin plug for proper use of RID-VOLT. Simply plug in ground pin into wall receptacle.
Note: The three pin plug provided by RID-VOLT is of US type. Depending on the country of use, users may have to use a plug converter.
3. If ground pin is unavailable, attach “eye” (which comes with RID-VOLT) under the plate retainer screw on a two pin wall outlet receptacle.
kalo dilihat dr instruksinya cukup simple, satu bagian masuk air, bagian lainnya tempel tembok,pertanyaannya adalah bukannya itu malah bikin trip/konslet dan breaker di rumah kita lgsg off bila memang ada kebocoran daya?
mohon pencerahannya? soalnya mumpung ada bung Muleh yg mau ke Singpr, jd bila alat ini berguna (ekonomis lagi)saya mau titip beliau, trims, mohon responnya...