Salam reefing semua...
Oke let's start.
A: Ampere
AAOLM: Advanced Aquarist Online Magazine, electronic magazine
AC: Activated carbon, chemical filtration media / alternating current
AC: Alternating current
AC: Air Conditioner
AF: Aquarium Frontiers, online magazine
AFAIK: As far as I know
AFM: Aquarium Fish Monthly, magazine
AISI: As I see it
ALK: Alkalinity, measure of buffering capacity of water
AOL: America Online, internet service provider
ASAP: As soon as possible
ATS: Algae turf scrubber, reef setup technique
B4: Before
BOD: Biological oxygen demand
BR: Base rock
BTA: Bubble tip anemone
BTW: By the way
Ca: Calcium
CaCl2: Calcium chloride
CaCO3: Calcium carbonate
Ca(OH)2: Calcium hydroxide
CC: Counter current, type of protein skimmer
Cl: Chlorine
CO2: Carbon dioxide
CO3: Carbonate
CR: Calcium reactor
CSD: Carlson surge device
CTA: Cellulose triacetate, type of RO membrane
Cu: Copper
CUL: See you later / catch you later
CUL8R: See you later / catch you later
CYANO: Cyanobacteria
DC: Direct current
DD: Downdraft, type of protein skimmer
DI: Deionisation, type of water purification
DIY: Do it yourself
dKH: Degrees of carbonate hardness, measure of alkalinity
DO: Dissolve oxygen
DOC: Dissolved organic carbon
DSB: Deep sand bed
FAMA: Freshwater and Marine Aquaria, magazine
FAQ: Frequently ask question
Fe: Iron
FFE: Flying Fish Express, mail order company, United States
FO: Fish only, type of marine aquarium
FOWLR: Fish only with live rock, type of marine aquarium
FTS : Full tank shot
FW: Freshwater
FWIW: For what its worth
FYI: For your information
FYM: For your misinformation
GAC: Granular activated carbon
GAL: Gallon
GBR: Great Barrier Reef
GPH: Gallons per hour
HCO3: Hydrogen carbonate
HO: High output fluorescent light
HAS: High speed aeration, type of proteins skimmer
HPL : High power led
HTH: Hope this/that helps
I: Iodide
I2: Iodine
ID: Indentify/indetification
IE: Internet Explorer, WWW browser
IM: In my
IMCO: In my considered opinion
IME: In my experience
IMEO: In my expert opinion
IMHO: In my humble/honest opinion
IMNSHO: In my not so humble/honest opinion
IMO: In my opinion
IO3: Iodate
IOW: In other words
IR: Infrared, type of light of longer wavelength than visible light
IRC: Internet relay chat
ISP: Internet service provider
KALK: Kalkwasser, German for calcium hydroxide solution or limewater
KI: Potassium iodide
KISS: Keep it simple stupid
kW: Kilowatt
L8R: Later
LED: Light emitting diode
LFS: Local fish store
LHS: Local hardware store
LOL: Laughing out loud
LPH: Litres per hour
LPS: Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
LR: Live rock
LS: Live sand
LT: Liter
mA: Milliamp
MACNA: Marine Aquaria Conference of North America, held annually
MACO: Marine Aquaria Courses Online
MASA: Marine Aquarium Societies of Australia
MASNA: Marine Aquarium Society of North America
MEQ/L: Milli-equivalents per litre, measure of alkalinity
Mg: Magnesium
MG/L: Milligrams per litre
MH: Metal halide light
MO: Mail order
mV: Millivolt
MV: Mercury vapour light
mW: Milliwatt
Na: Sodium
NaCO3: Sodium carbonate
NaOH: Sodium hydroxide
NCM: North Coast Marine, mail order company, United States
NG: Usenet newsgroup
NH3: Ammonia
NH4: Ammonium
NNR: Natural nitrate reduction, reef setup technique
NO: Normal output fluorescent light
NO2: Nitrite
NO3: Nitrate
NP: No problem
NRN: No reply necessary
NS: Netscape, WWW browser
NSW: Natural seawater
O2: Oxygen
OBTW: Oh by the way
ORP: Oxidative redox potential
OTOH: On the other hand
PAR: Photosynthetically active radiation
PLS: Please
PC: Power compact fluorescent light
pH: Measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, equal to -log[H+], <7 acidic, =7 neutral, >7 basic
PH: Powerhead, water pump
PO4: Phosphate
PPM: Parts per million, equivalent to mg/l (milligrams per litre)
PSI: Pounds per square inch
PVC: Poly vinyl chloride, used for piping / plumbing
RAG: Reef Aquarium Guide, website
RAMR: Usenet newsgroup rec.aquaria.marine.reefs
RC: Reef Central, website
RDO:, website
RO: Reverse osmosis, type of water purification
RO/DI: Reverse osmosis, followed by deionisation, type of water purification
ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLOL: Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROTFL: Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAO: Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
ROTFLOL: Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
RTAW: Reefing the Australian Way, Australian discussion board
RTN: Rapid tissue neucrosis
RUGF: Reverse flow undergravel filter
SAL: Salinity
SD: Surge device
SG: Specific gravity
SHO: Super high output fluorescent light, equivalent to power compact fluorescent
Si: Silicon
SiO2: Silicon dioxide
SITD: Still in the dark
SO: Significant other
SPS: Small polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
Sr: Strontium
SW: Saltwater / seawater
STN: Slowly Tissue Necrosis
TAT: Thiel Aqua Tech, mail order company, United States
TBS: Tampa Bay Saltwater, mail order company, United States
TDS: Total dissolved solids
TFC: Thin film composite, type of RO membrane
TFN: Thanks for nothing
TIA: Thanks in advance
TIC: Tongue in cheek
TMCRA: The modern coral reef aquarium, book by Alf Nilsen and Svien Fossa
TRA: The reef aquarium, book by Charles Delbeek and Julian Sprung
TTYL: Talk to you later
TWP: Tap Water Purifier from Aquatic Pharmaceuticals
UGF: Undergravel filter
UV: Ultra violet, type of light of shorter wavelength than visible light
V: Volts
VHO: Very high output fluorescent light
W: Watt
WMC: Western Marine Conference, United States
WWW: World wide web
WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get
YMMV: Your mileage may vary
Jika ada yang lain dari yang di atas mohon tambahannya. Terima kasih.
Oke let's start.
A: Ampere
AAOLM: Advanced Aquarist Online Magazine, electronic magazine
AC: Activated carbon, chemical filtration media / alternating current
AC: Alternating current
AC: Air Conditioner
AF: Aquarium Frontiers, online magazine
AFAIK: As far as I know
AFM: Aquarium Fish Monthly, magazine
AISI: As I see it
ALK: Alkalinity, measure of buffering capacity of water
AOL: America Online, internet service provider
ASAP: As soon as possible
ATS: Algae turf scrubber, reef setup technique
B4: Before
BOD: Biological oxygen demand
BR: Base rock
BTA: Bubble tip anemone
BTW: By the way
Ca: Calcium
CaCl2: Calcium chloride
CaCO3: Calcium carbonate
Ca(OH)2: Calcium hydroxide
CC: Counter current, type of protein skimmer
Cl: Chlorine
CO2: Carbon dioxide
CO3: Carbonate
CR: Calcium reactor
CSD: Carlson surge device
CTA: Cellulose triacetate, type of RO membrane
Cu: Copper
CUL: See you later / catch you later
CUL8R: See you later / catch you later
CYANO: Cyanobacteria
DC: Direct current
DD: Downdraft, type of protein skimmer
DI: Deionisation, type of water purification
DIY: Do it yourself
dKH: Degrees of carbonate hardness, measure of alkalinity
DO: Dissolve oxygen
DOC: Dissolved organic carbon
DSB: Deep sand bed
FAMA: Freshwater and Marine Aquaria, magazine
FAQ: Frequently ask question
Fe: Iron
FFE: Flying Fish Express, mail order company, United States
FO: Fish only, type of marine aquarium
FOWLR: Fish only with live rock, type of marine aquarium
FTS : Full tank shot
FW: Freshwater
FWIW: For what its worth
FYI: For your information
FYM: For your misinformation
GAC: Granular activated carbon
GAL: Gallon
GBR: Great Barrier Reef
GPH: Gallons per hour
HCO3: Hydrogen carbonate
HO: High output fluorescent light
HAS: High speed aeration, type of proteins skimmer
HPL : High power led
HTH: Hope this/that helps
I: Iodide
I2: Iodine
ID: Indentify/indetification
IE: Internet Explorer, WWW browser
IM: In my
IMCO: In my considered opinion
IME: In my experience
IMEO: In my expert opinion
IMHO: In my humble/honest opinion
IMNSHO: In my not so humble/honest opinion
IMO: In my opinion
IO3: Iodate
IOW: In other words
IR: Infrared, type of light of longer wavelength than visible light
IRC: Internet relay chat
ISP: Internet service provider
KALK: Kalkwasser, German for calcium hydroxide solution or limewater
KI: Potassium iodide
KISS: Keep it simple stupid
kW: Kilowatt
L8R: Later
LED: Light emitting diode
LFS: Local fish store
LHS: Local hardware store
LOL: Laughing out loud
LPH: Litres per hour
LPS: Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
LR: Live rock
LS: Live sand
LT: Liter
mA: Milliamp
MACNA: Marine Aquaria Conference of North America, held annually
MACO: Marine Aquaria Courses Online
MASA: Marine Aquarium Societies of Australia
MASNA: Marine Aquarium Society of North America
MEQ/L: Milli-equivalents per litre, measure of alkalinity
Mg: Magnesium
MG/L: Milligrams per litre
MH: Metal halide light
MO: Mail order
mV: Millivolt
MV: Mercury vapour light
mW: Milliwatt
Na: Sodium
NaCO3: Sodium carbonate
NaOH: Sodium hydroxide
NCM: North Coast Marine, mail order company, United States
NG: Usenet newsgroup
NH3: Ammonia
NH4: Ammonium
NNR: Natural nitrate reduction, reef setup technique
NO: Normal output fluorescent light
NO2: Nitrite
NO3: Nitrate
NP: No problem
NRN: No reply necessary
NS: Netscape, WWW browser
NSW: Natural seawater
O2: Oxygen
OBTW: Oh by the way
ORP: Oxidative redox potential
OTOH: On the other hand
PAR: Photosynthetically active radiation
PLS: Please
PC: Power compact fluorescent light
pH: Measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, equal to -log[H+], <7 acidic, =7 neutral, >7 basic
PH: Powerhead, water pump
PO4: Phosphate
PPM: Parts per million, equivalent to mg/l (milligrams per litre)
PSI: Pounds per square inch
PVC: Poly vinyl chloride, used for piping / plumbing
RAG: Reef Aquarium Guide, website
RAMR: Usenet newsgroup rec.aquaria.marine.reefs
RC: Reef Central, website
RDO:, website
RO: Reverse osmosis, type of water purification
RO/DI: Reverse osmosis, followed by deionisation, type of water purification
ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLOL: Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROTFL: Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAO: Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
ROTFLOL: Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
RTAW: Reefing the Australian Way, Australian discussion board
RTN: Rapid tissue neucrosis
RUGF: Reverse flow undergravel filter
SAL: Salinity
SD: Surge device
SG: Specific gravity
SHO: Super high output fluorescent light, equivalent to power compact fluorescent
Si: Silicon
SiO2: Silicon dioxide
SITD: Still in the dark
SO: Significant other
SPS: Small polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
Sr: Strontium
SW: Saltwater / seawater
STN: Slowly Tissue Necrosis
TAT: Thiel Aqua Tech, mail order company, United States
TBS: Tampa Bay Saltwater, mail order company, United States
TDS: Total dissolved solids
TFC: Thin film composite, type of RO membrane
TFN: Thanks for nothing
TIA: Thanks in advance
TIC: Tongue in cheek
TMCRA: The modern coral reef aquarium, book by Alf Nilsen and Svien Fossa
TRA: The reef aquarium, book by Charles Delbeek and Julian Sprung
TTYL: Talk to you later
TWP: Tap Water Purifier from Aquatic Pharmaceuticals
UGF: Undergravel filter
UV: Ultra violet, type of light of shorter wavelength than visible light
V: Volts
VHO: Very high output fluorescent light
W: Watt
WMC: Western Marine Conference, United States
WWW: World wide web
WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get
YMMV: Your mileage may vary
Jika ada yang lain dari yang di atas mohon tambahannya. Terima kasih.
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